"When is your next market"

Ready Set Spring April 14th Morrow building Peterborough

Dragon boat Festival June 8th Del crary park, Peterborough

“How do I get tickets?”

Tickets can be purchased through this website 

”I purchased my tickets online, now what?” 

VIP tickets have been mailed out. Regular admission tickets will not be mailed. 

 Ticket pick up will also be available the day of from 8-9:30am. You may also walk in and show confirmation and receive your tickets anytime during the event. 

“Are kids free?”

YES all kids under 13 are free to enter.

“What time do I need to get there for a swag bag?”

Every market is different, however people do arrive very early. Sometimes the line starts at 8am! If you need you purchased your tickets online you may pick them up between 8-9:30am and then join the line for swag. 

“How do I increase my chances of getting a swag bag?”

Showing up early is key! Also having your ticket in hand and filled out will help. Having to purchase to purchase your tickets or having to stop to fill them out will slow you down.

“Can I skip the line if I don’t want a swag bag?”

No, there is no skipping the line. If you would not like to wait in line, we suggest you come after 10:30.

“What does my ticket get me?”

Your ticket is your ballot for our amazing prizes at our markets. Make sure you fill them out!

“Do vendors only take cash?”

Every vendor offers different payment methods. Some will take cash, credit, and debit tap. We recommend messaging the vendors if you’re coming specifically for their products that day.